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It is more the HOW you  do the training than WHY it is done. The staff working for a company is the HUMAN CAPITAL of the firm. Often considered the biggest asset of an organization but not really updated to the latest, as the companies computers are.

No, it doesn't have to be boring at all. We have started our E-Learning Platform in 2020 and have developed a high level of expertise in a very short time. This allows us to create online training courses for you or together with you for your team or clients.

The right mix is what makes it work best. When it comes to training there might be contents that are best learned as self-study or E-Learning.

We are analyzing together with you contents than are not transferable efficiently other than in classroom.


There are four competences that crucial for every decision-making process. If any of the four factors is missing, the decision-making skills will be limited.

Knowledge, proficiency, experience and awareness


Our training shall support you to make the right decisions at the right time and to increase your awareness. Furthermore it addresses the entire spectrum of meeting the requirements of the legal authorities.

Each of our training courses undergoes a strict examination and is tailored to the target group. The careful selection of our professional instructors, who all have an aviation industry background with hands on experience, gives you the guarantee that they know what they are actually talking about.

We offer you a wide range of training programs, developed in a modular framework so you can choose and adjust the courses to your individual needs. In addition to the standard courses, we are also glad to combine existing training course content with elements that we develop especially for you and your team. If you have any specific needs, do not hesitate to contact us – we can provide you with a customized training to fit your personal needs.


Chamerstrasse 42a  |  CH-6331 Hünenberg/ZG  |  +4141 210 4141

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